Monday, July 16, 2007
almost done
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
So what is it that you're doing Jorge?
Problems breathing?, get some Doxygen
It helps people around the globe on documenting code.
Friday, May 25, 2007

Well, AFTER HARD WORKING ON IT, I STILL CAN'T MAKE MY DOCUMENT LOOK AS UGLY AS ICONTEC WANTS ME TO!: Story begins yesterday when I lost all my day working on something I couldn't avoid to do; unfortunately any UPB's undergrad project documentat should be properly delivered in compliance with ICONTEC norms for documents, thing is, I'm using LATEX and as you can imagine there is not a single LATEX class for ICONTEC on the searchable planet (google), meaning that I have two options: redo on M$ word, or .cls DOITYOURSELF, since such animal was climbing my leg directly to my ass, I decided to put an end to it yesterday. Well, after a complete day of tweaking the standard neat book class; I STILL CAN'T DEFEAT IT PROPERLY INTO ICONTEC, IT STILL LOOKS SOMEHOW NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!, once I get it done, I'll sure share such .cls file to the world.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Dresden's TUDOS
Thursday, April 26, 2007
evolving to OKL4
tar xvfz
./tools/ machine=ia32_pc99 project=iguana wombat=True simulate
I've noted some changes:
there is no lua script and init for iguana, therefore, I have a few questions:
What is the l4 to wombat init sequence, and where can I customize it?
The other thing: I'm trying to understand the iguana/server/src/main.c
but I can't find the server_loop() function code.
Here is some output:
jetorres@dolce:~/cool/okl4_release_1.4.1.1/iguana$ grep -r server_loop * ../libs/*
serial/src/main.c: server_loop();
server/src/main.c:extern void server_loop(void);
server/src/main.c: server_loop();
timer/src/main.c: server_loop();
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Genesis II

Time-sharing has also had a very interesting evolution into what we know as multitasking, which defines scheduling policies that decide which task runs at any given time, and establishes a mechanism known as context switching that reassigns CPU from one process to another. Concept began at computing early days, where peripherals (devices hooked up to the CPU) became much more slower than processing units, so when a process needed access to a peripheral, the CPU had to stop executing instructions while such peripherals were busy. Thus, multiprogramming idea came to scene by context switching every time a process was waiting, but that gave no guarantee of process to be run at proper times, since one could run for very long periods of time without triggering a context switch. That was absolutely not suitable for interactive computing needs, therefore cooperative multitasking was designed; there, processes ceded time to each other in a voluntary manner, however multitasking dangerously relied on each process to efficiently give time to the others, consequently the preemptive multitasking idea was born about assigning operating time slices to each process. Only then; processes were cataloged into two different groups; CPU-bounded ones as those who were fully utilizing CPU, and I/O bound processes as those waiting for input or output from peripherals. A perfect Martini came out of blending preemptive multitasking with hardware interrupts, which would rather than inefficient I/O bound process to constantly check for resource availability. It gives a call to subroutines handling the interrupt event of resource availability, changing I/O bound processes state from on hold or blocked to unblocked as it may correspond, meaning that blocked processes would properly return to execution.
At that point processes were so handy, that programmers started use them by assigning different tasks to different processes, which then was generally understud as a set of cooperating processes that people started to reffer as applications, the main issue behind it, was finding appropriate ways to exchange information between application's processes. As a result of that search; Threads were proposed as cooperating lightweight processes coexisting in a shared memory space or context, thus, another advantage was found in their favor, and it was that memory context switching was not necessary when context switching between threads.
Friday, March 30, 2007

In the beginning, the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [Torah]; many, many years later; the sons of the sons of the sons......of Noah said; let it be a CPU and there was a Central processing Unit, or simply processor, whose job was to process data and to interpret computer programs instructions, hence an important difference between processes and programs: were programs are the set of instructions which we call a process once they are being processed by the processor (makes sense doesn't it?), in other words a process is a program under execution. And Noah's grand grand... children saw that the processor was good, but for this processor to be of some real use; it had to interact with some computer resources. And as systems went larger and complex, managing computer resources and processing interactions became a development complicated issue. Thus, operating systems (OSs) were born as a set of programs developed to provide standardized solutions for managing computer software and hardware.
Having operative systems and their services; a new world of concepts such as process and memory management, device drivers, disk and file systems, networking, etc. started to have a meaning and reason for existence.
As long as the computer is a Harvard or von Neumann architecture like the one the reader certainly has at home, only one process can run per CPU core at a time. As a solution for that; the time-sharing magic appeared at early 1960's, enabling concurrent execution of many processes at once per processor core, the trick behind it is called process management; and it is simply done by quick-switching processes, therefore distributing CPU time, which will be explained in deatail.
Having many concurrent executions dramatically increases memory management complexity, since it has to coordinate how memory is used by processes. Keep in mind that now days system's memory, is divided in various types, depending on its access speed. we have registers, CPU cache, random access memory (RAM) and at last: disk storage. The memory manager deals with those various types of memory by determining how to move data between them. To help with that task, virtual memory management was invented, there, memory is divided in virtual and physical addresses, having the virtual ones as those unique to processes, and real addresses as those unique to memory manager and CPU, that provides a separation between the physical memory and addresses used by programs. It is important to understand that in memory; programs consist mainly of two things: ``Text'' where program's running instructions are stored, and ``data'' where hardwired and volatile information such as string constants and variable values are stored, but as programs become a little bigger, the use of functions or subroutines is necessary, so there is a need for storing current process state before they call a function, consequently there must be some specific place to store such information, which is called the process's stack. For security reasons some operative systems split text, data and stack sections into what is called segments. Having that clear, when a program is about to be run, a virtual memory space for its text, data and stack information is created, that means that at process point of view, virtual memory its the only memory available, which is organized , but as process's need for more memory arises, data segment can change its size dynamically, by reallocating memory from unused memory areas called heap, that method is known as heap-based memory allocation.
It is common to hear people talking about 64-Bits now days, due to AMD's successful publicity, what this number is telling us is the largest number an AMD-64 can work with at a time, called word-size; which in that specific case is 64 bits. There are many implications from it, one important comes if we think about addressable addresses in memory, for example the common 32-Bit architectures have top of 2^32-1 bits = 4GB to work with. Therefore having a virtual address space from 0x00000000 to 0xffffffff, which is divided in peaces called pages. Same thing happens to physical memory but divisions are called frames. So a program segment can be located in virtual address A found by its page and offset numbers but it really corresponds to a physical address B, located by its frame and offset numbers, and what the virtual memory manager does is to translate virtual into physical addresses, with the use of a page table containing page-frame mappings, but address translation by software rutines is time consuming, and therefore reduces system's eficiency, so they decided to fasten this by storing most recent page-frame mappings into a very fast content addressable memory, known as the translation lookaside buffer (TLB), in which the search key is the virtual address and the search result it's corresponding real address. If no match ocured then a software address translation is trigged, improving virtual memory management speed.
to be continued.....
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Good old make times before scons

What tha f*&%k have I gotten my self into?, sent this paper signing my own death penalty, I was very wrong thinking, if I was planning to finish my undergrad project in no longer term than a month, hence I could start backpacking Latin America for as long as my wallet would've supported it. why didn't I do some stupid piece of dummy borland software, like every f**&cking else. Did I mentioned that I never liked python at all?, well surprise, I'm starting to hate scons build system, it makes it dificult for me to understand things, and I also feel frustated because of me not understanding as quick as I expected the iguana-devel sources, too late to figure out that it is not as simple as understanding the papers.
Any how, just for the record: To find a function code: Must first check on the file you're reading, then if nothing is there; cd to libs dir, and grep -r "FunctionName" *.
Oh, also some useful documents I've found, for "code understanding"
L4 Development
L4-X2 Reference manual (outdated, for what I'm working on, since Im using the N series :)
also found this on the mailing list:
> Can anyone help me and describe the execute process of L4:pistachio mainly? Thanks.
See the "Teaching" section of the L4Ka web. There are some very
interesting slides like:
template env for lua
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Wombat memory
Hal Ashburner:
This is the size of the iguana memsection that is created and backed byphysical memory that is passed to wombat that wombat can then use forits heap.
As far as wombat is concerned this is all the memory available for its heap, it knows of no more and can't use anything else.
And what is the L4_ZONE_SIZE?,
Oh, yes and about my last e-mail, does somebody know why is it that I have to use the -nographic parameter with qemu in order to run the c.img image?
Hal Ashburner:
Because there is no vga driver enabled in the version of wombat you areusing.
Thank you very much,
Thursday, March 22, 2007
L4 embedded + Wombat Linux in 3 simple steps, Magic?
First you have to get the required software + plus some other useful things:
apt-get remove --purge gcc g++
apt-get install gcc-3.3 g++-3.3
apt-get install python
apt-get install scons
apt-get install sudo
apt-get install qemu
apt-get install qemuctl vgabios qemu-launcher kqemu-common
apt-get install kqemu-modules-
apt-get install bazaar
WARNING gcc-3.3 and g++-3.3 are required!
Now that we have what we need, we will get the last version of iguana-devel into some particular directory, check out this link for further explanation.
mkdir wombat-rep
cd wombat-rep
baz register-archive
baz get
cd iguana-project--devel--1.2--version-0/
baz build-config packages
Now go get your self something to eat!!
scons machine=pc99 simulate
tools/ machine=pc99 simulate
Results on the build folder, and if getting hands dirty is wanted, there's a doc folder with iguana framework information.
That's it!! Special thanks to the ERTOS NICTA group for making this as simple as it is!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Just in case jorge sees it!
>Well and the other question, this removal of sigma0 need, happens at the L4::N1 implementation or is it a very recent l4:Pistachio improvemnet?
I think it is N1. The change is that MapControl allows the roottask to insert explicit mappings, rather than relying on the address space of sigma0.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
close your eyes.... OPEN UP!!
A decision on releasing the framework has not been made (yet), but youIt seems that I can implemented it my self plus some other things I believe I can add to it. The question is: What do I want it for?, well I wrote long time ago at the kenge users list about me wanting to merge down the wombat scheduler into a L4 embedded thread. so that's precisely what I have in mind. one important thing is that I cannot shoot my own foot, so I have to make my goal something like this:
can read more about it in this paper
TITLE (which describes the goal): Framework for realtime Wombat Linux scheduler
Back on top of the saddle
Fist things first:
Find me an advisor: I called my friend Rafael Gonzalez, a very busy fluidsignal worker, teacher at the UPB and a very nice guy, told him it was going to be related to L4, so he accepted. Now I have to write a project description, and e-mail it, lets see how he likes it!
(ANTEPROYECTO) Project description: I have promised my self that this will be finished before Friday night!.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
rafa:~# declare -x LIFE="Don't Become a Scientist"
Monday, January 29, 2007
B licenses
> Hi Jorge,
> Raf has a copy of his formal B model available for download at:
> As for B licenses: we don't really know.
> Raf says he would advise against B, unless you or your institute already
> have some licenses available. You can always ask the manufacturers, though.
> The main tools are Atelier B and the B Tool, I think. There is also a new
> version of B coming from the RODIN project, but I don't think Raf's
> formalisation will be compatible with that.
> Cheers,
> Gerwin
This is my response:
Hi Gerwin,
Thank you very much, Raf´s advise against B, would be great, since we dont have any licenses.
Why is it that you think that Raf's formalization wont be compatible with the B version from RODIN?, anyhow, I've seen the website:, but it seems that project stoped six months ago.
Thank you very much,
Monday, January 22, 2007
PLEB-> Testbed for L4
More info about it:
lets see if I cant talk Jorge to get his hands on it.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
where did sigmas go?
This removal of sigma0 need, happens at the L4::N1 implementation or is it a very recent l4:Pistachio improvemnet?
Now I'm a little more confused than last time. When you mean that you've removed the sigma0 need, you mean that it is not a provileged thread anymore?, giving freedom of implementation for memory management, so there is no thread memory space asingment at kernel level, and that task is now performed at a user level, at same level of memory manager? which makes sense. If so, would it be better having memory manager implementations wich will do both deliver memory for threads(sigma0) and manage memory?, is your simple sigma0 implementation, a demo of it?.
Just as a reminder, I havent found any information about the l4::N1, I'll have to search some more.
L4 User-level reflection scheduler
In which Sergio Ruocoo describes his 100 loc implementation of a user-level reflection scheduler, for realtime implementations without cahnges at l4 kernel, I assume it is about a L4 Thread with the SCHEDULLER attribute set to 0, any how, there's the article, I'll write about it once I finish reding it. For now:
Computational reflection: “the activity performed by a computational system when doing computation about (and by that possibily affecting) its own state and computations”.
BenLeslie says: Sorry to tell, but sigma0 died!
Hi Jorge,Further e-mail about this I'll write. And about B-toolkit, he was kind enough to CC to the L4 formal method author. And about scheduler I was correct.
We have actually removed the need for sigma1 (and sigma0). On our
latest version it does not exist.
Few questions I have for my self, and for Ben off course.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
distributed or disturbed notion of sigma0
How about making sigma0 distributed over a network?, in that way VM machine threads memory on top of L4 would be distributed, and then, it wouldnt be too complicated to make a thread to manage distrubuted interrups and make virtualized wombat to use such thread, thus having wombat working under multiple computers at the same time, and one could do cool things such as active-active failover OS.
Reading this B-method implementation i found this:
Sigma0 is the default system pager. Its job is to take up all possible non-kernel memory on start up, and give it out to threads as it is requested. Sigma0 is not a memory manager, and does not accept any form of request to take back (free) the memory that has once been given out. When other special threads load during the kernel loading procedure, memory is taken from sigma0. After this is done, a memory manager should take the remaining memory from sigma0 and manage it appropriately. Sigma0 gets its own address space, and is a privileged thread.
If I understand OK; in order to make it real one would have to worry aboout sigma0 and a memory manager.
echo mailto kenge-users >> /dev/null ??
Subject: sigma1 and L4 formal model
Hi you all,
I'm confused about what sigma1 is for?, I've found that it is about task persistency, but still it isn't clear to me, is it an atempt of having a swap memory manager?
Another question, is there any CVS for the Rafal Kolanski formal description of L4 using the B-method?, are there any kind of B-toolkit research licences, for thesis projects, I want to use it for a formal model of L4 scheduler so that a privileged thread such as sigma0 but for handling time interrupts which will IPC to a user space thread in which schedulling dessisions will be taken.
I understand that the internal scheduler is not a thread it self, it is just a function that chooses next thread to execute based on scheduller attribute.
Thank you very much,
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Gernot thesis supervisor?
Professor Gernot Heiser,
I understand that you are a very busy person, so please receive my apologies for taking some of your time. I have seen your Thesis Topics list for undergraduate students, and I am convinced that User-level scheduling in L4 is what I want to do for my undergraduate thesis project. I have only one question: what can I do (if possible) In order for you to be my thesis Supervisor?,
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this,
That was more than a week ago, so he probably wasnt interested at all, and decided to send it to the bulk mail, or to mark it as spam, since he didn't even answer something like: sorry, you are right I'm very busy.
Even if it's his idea or not, due to its under public domain, and under the freedom of choice I'm proud of having to tell, if I don't find something more interesting in L4, that will be my thesis project whether Gernot likes it or not!
and documentation about it:
Jorge tells me that there is this guy at NICTA who came up with the L4 microkernel implementation using the B-method:
So having that on the table why not having a zero defect thesis, as b-core promises?
L4 thesis
With that on the scene it is very easy to understand that my undergrad thesis is something I really need to worry about. As my family says to me: after 5 years of study, You cannot end up as a "tegua", which in my country means: some one how knows a job, but has learned in a empiric way. But that is not my consternation, I beleve teguas are people to admire. thing is I REALLY WANT to become a PhD some day, so finishing my undergraduate studies is my big MUST for this semester. That's why I've taken two decisions: QUIT INTERBOLSA, and start what at this moment is important for my life plans!.